Edward C.Creative Frontend Developer
- worked as a multi-media and web designer
- self-taught as a web developer
- Dev skills: Typescript, React, Next.JS, CSS, Tailwind, D3 data visualization, noSQL, Cypress, Redux, graphQL
- Web skills: UX/UI, SEO, accessibility, Core Web Vitals, analytics
- Design skills: Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, Web Animation
Project 1 Octoprice
A web app for Octopus Energy users by an Octopus Energy user to get latest unit rates and savings with sensible context from the Octpus API created by an Octopus Energy user for Octopus Energy users.
Tech stack:
- React / NextJS
- Typescript
- TailwindCSS / MUI
- REST Api
- Figma
- Node.js
- Github actions
Project 2 Nextrains
A web app to get the realtime UK train point-to-point and transfer info, highlighting the platforms and transfer time. It also recommends the fastest train to destinations.
Tech stack:
- React / ViteJS
- Typescript
- TailwindCSS / MUI
- Vitest/Jest/React Testing Library
- Cypress
- Figma
- Node.js / Express
- Github actions
Project 3 AIDE
A full-stack app using OpenAI API with file input (PDF/DOCX/TXT) as context for chat queries. The app handles upload and store document files, analyzes and retrieves relevant text from vector database and feeds as context to OpenAI API for chat interaction.
Tech stack:
- React / Next.js
- Prisma / tRPC + Zod / TypeScript / React Query
- Tailwind CSS
- LangChaing / Pinecone Vector Database
- Kinde Auth
- OpenAI
- Figma
- Github actions
Project 4 CVizard
Create CV + Cover Letter with markdown. Automagically check your keywords against the job ads. The app is designed to run locally and all data are saved as .md files in the local repository for absolute privacy.
Tech stack:
- NextJS / SSR
- Typescript
- TailwindCSS / MUI
- Cypress/Jest/React Testing Library
- Figma
- Github actions
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